Typically with reading pieces of literature, I am not consciously aware of my a likeness to a character. Perhaps I can relate to characters subconsciously, which is why I like them, but with reading
Hamlet, I have realized how I am like the title character. Like Hamlet, I too become paralyzed with thought. I am envious of others who are proactive and do things quickly. They take initiative. Often I know I should do things, as I need to, or they're good things to be done, but I just do t do them. The worst is when I say I will do something and flake. I always get down on myself, as I let myself down, I let others down, and no one else seems to have this problem. However, Hamlet proves that other people are like me, even hundreds of years ago. Some people aren't able to act as quickly, and overthink things. This isn't saying it's okay to not be proactive or flake when you sash you'll do something, but I know this problem isn't just with me.
Though Hamlet isn't a great role model, he shows me, drastically, effects of overthinking and not acting. I want to do things and not be afraid, or at least have those few seconds of courage. Just getting things done, saying something, or reaching out, would be easier if I gathered that courage.
I need to stop letting the Hamlet inside me show, and just get stuff done. Like Nike always says,
Just do it.
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