Tuesday, October 1, 2013

5:1 motifs

There seems to be a reoccurring theme in Hamlet, where characters spy on each other, either by themselves, or they hire someone else to do so. This motif occurs three times between Act I, Scene I, and a few pages into Scene II. The first instance occurs when Polonius hires Reynaldo to spy on Laertes. Polonius tells him to watch Laertes and tell people he knows him. Polonius also gives him permission to lie about Laertes (but not dishonor him), in order to find out more about his son. 

The king hires Rosencrantz and Guilderstern to spy on Hamlet. The king wishes to find out what's going on with Hamlet, as he has been acting strange lately. I'm worried about these two, as they are "Timon and Pumba"..I don't want them to die! But they will. 

Polonius, being the great father he is, is planning on giving his daughter to Hamlet, then spying on the two, to see what they do. The king also thinks this is a good idea. Polonius has assured the king that he is not lying about the young ones' love affair, so let him be beheaded..I have a feeling this will come back later. 

Three accounts of espionage so far. A very interesting motif. When will we see it next?

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