Wednesday, October 23, 2013

7:1 got it!

It is so nice to finally have what I've been hoping for. The Academy has surpassed standards I had for the school in all but a few areas. This year however, the missing pieces have been found. I have some of the best teachers I've ever had again, or for the first time, this year. And it is great. I'm learning in all of my classes. I have a sense of achievement and purpose. I'm dedicated to my studies once again. I had lost my willpower for school, but now it is back. There are still some quirks and kinks in the big picture, but I'm not dreading coming to school. 

I'm most excited about the changes my academy has undergone. Freshman year I came in with hope and passion for the medical field, only to be pushed over my limits, one way or another, thereby losing my interest in the medical field. I began to despise it I hated medicine. I hated amuthing to do with it- doctors, nurses, Western medicine practices, others' beliefs. Unreasonable, yes, but how it was. 

Now, however, I have a rekindled passion for the field. I don't do well with bones or gore, but that's not the point. I want to help people. Simple as that. I want to change people's lives for the better, and not just for good karma. My passion is for helping others. In my EMT course, I am being trained to do so. Even if I am not employed as an EMT in the future, the skills I'm learning now- from moving patients to even listening and remembering things better- will help me at some point or another. 

I am so thrilled to have a fantastic teacher for my EMT class that has helped me get reattached to the medical field instead of pushing me farther away. It wasn't a smooth transition, I admit to having a bit of an attitude, but I am overjoyed to be learning and gaining more skills now. 

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