Tuesday, September 3, 2013

1:1 senior year

First post! Maybe a little short, and not totally perfected, but here it is!

English, government, and calculus, too
Scholarship essays and applications, woohoo
Yearbook portraits, pretty and nice
This senior year, I'm taking my own advice

Capstone project- watch it unfurl
This year I have to be a big girl
Though it is tough and there's so much to do
Senior year of high school. I'm almost through

Some friends will stay
Some will go
What matters most now is what I must know
About my future, it is near
These thoughts bring new fear

Prom will be here soon, 
a night to remember
Fire of our high school years burning out, leaving just embers

 We'll then walk across the stage,
Graduation. A coming of age. 
Tears will be shed, classmates held tight
Senior sunset, together for one more night
Then off we go, our own separate ways
Reminiscing of high school, remembering the days 

I hope we don't lose touch
That our paths cross again
Asking how you are and where you have been

What we've waited for is finally here
Have a great time
A great senior year 

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